Friday, September 25, 2009

How Does An Athlete Achieve Peak Performance?

How does an athlete achieve peak performance?

Peak performance is the result of hard work, dedication to practice, and skill. It requires countless hours of sacrifice, incalculable amounts of sweat, and perhaps a little luck.

Where does the energy come from to work and practice hard?

Energy for life and energy for peak athletic performance comes from food. However, only food that provides the right kind of fuel for an athlete’s body can be fully converted to energy!

How does food affect athletic performance?

The qualities craved by every athlete -- strength, speed, agility, endurance, precision, coordination, drive, energy, focus, concentration, peak performance and fast recovery -- all come from the food that we eat, all day, every day, many times a day. Make no mistake; the food you eat – or the fuel you provide your body with - makes the difference between mediocrity and medals. Would you use inferior equipment for your individual sport? Of course not. Then why choose to use food that does not provide optimal energy?

Foods and nutrients directly and specifically impact the fundamental controls of the body. If one of those controls is lacking or out of balance due to a conventional ‘healthy’ diet, then performance absolutely will suffer. Proper fuel can be the difference between first place and third place or playing ten seasons instead of seven. To an athlete, that is all the difference in the world!

I can honestly, confidently, and unequivocally say that what I eat – the kinds of fuel I provide my body’s engines of metabolism -- makes a tremendous difference in how I perform. The right food allows me to train harder and recover faster than my competition. Even at 35 years old, Metabolic Typing® has made me one of the top powerlifters in the United States in my weight class for the last several years.
How can an athlete tap into his full potential?

How am I able to deadlift 635 pounds at a body weight of 165 pounds? Well, of course genetics, training, experience, mental toughness, and a great coach all play a part. However, the ability to unite all of these components and express full athletic potential always boils down to one very simple thing: Energy. All of the qualities needed to be a successful athlete are 100% dependent on the body’s ability to produce and sustain energy from food in an optimal fashion.

Does everybody (even within the same sport) train the same? No, they do not. Does everybody achieve optimal energy from the same foods? Of course not. Just as each of us is unique in terms of obvious external characteristics and training protocols; so are our genetically-based nutritional requirements for optimal health and optimal energy production.

The bottom line is this: If the body’s cells, organs, glands, and systems are given the proper fuel, then energy production will be optimal. If the body does not get the proper fuel, then performance will suffer. Sub-optimal energy production means that strength, speed, endurance, precision, coordination, and recovery will be compromised. That is the difference between accelerated recovery time and inadequate recovery that leads to injury. Without the proper fuel, peak performance will never be realized.

How does an athlete determine the ideal diet for peak performance?

Metabolic Typing® combined with the Signet MRT® food reactivity test is a systematic, testable, repeatable, and verifiable scientific means by which each individual athlete’s optimal food and nutrient requirements can be specifically determined. Based on over 30 years of research and hundreds of thousands of users, no other methodology in the world is as individual and precise.

When you start to eat right for your Metabolic Type®, a lot of wonderful things begin to happen. This process naturally leads to questions and it is very important that you have access to answers. The only source for information regarding the process of working with your Metabolic Type® is a trained and certified Metabolic Typing® Advisor.

• MT Advisors can help you understand the technical information provided in your reports.

• MT Advisors are available to you (on a daily basis if needed) to provide information, guidance, coaching and emotional support as you proceed.

• MT Advisors can help you learn to understand your own "body language" so you can fine-tune your macronutrient ratios at meals and snacks to your specific individual requirements. Eating the right ratios of proteins, fats and carbs at each meal is vital to the success of your program. The right ratios can vary from meal to meal, even for people who are of the same Metabolic Type®.

• MT Advisors, because they follow their own Metabolic Type® Diets, know what it takes to be successful. They can be your very own personal success coach and help you keep going if the going gets tough. The MT Advisor that will be working with me is a high level athlete, so he understands athletes!

• MT Advisors can help you set reasonable and easily attainable goals that work for your lifestyle and help you transition to your Metabolic Type® Diet.

• MT Advisors can educate you about nutritional supplements: how to use them properly, which ones are right and wrong for your Metabolic Type®, how to recognize good supplements and how to stay away from bad ones.

• MT Advisors, most importantly, can monitor your individual nutritional needs as they change, adjust your program when necessary, identify when a retest is needed, provide more extensive testing and help you to achieve the results you're looking for as quickly and as easily as possible.

Please check out the videos and articles on my web site at and see what Metabolic Typing® can do for you. It has allowed me to become one of the top raw powerlifters for the last 3 years; and one of the top equipped powerlifters in the 4 years before that. However, the really cool thing is that I am healthy, vibrant, and full of energy all day long!

Be well,


Friday, September 18, 2009

*Updated* Food allergy, Food Sensitivity, or Food Intolerance?

Oftentimes in my practice I hear the casual misuse of the term “food allergy”. Therefore, I would like to explain the difference between a food allergy, food sensitivity, and food intolerance.

A type I hypersensitivity, or food allergy is an IgE mediated reaction that involve allergen specific IgE antibodies. It is a severe hyper-reaction of the immune system caused by a massive release of histamine and other chemical mediators from certain types of white blood cells called mast cells and basophiles. Upon each additional exposure to the allergic food, the IgE reacts with the allergen; and this results in the release of histamine, prostaglandins, etc. that result in the symptoms of allergy. Food allergies only affect 1-2% of the population. People suffering from a food allergy can usually identify what foods they are allergic to without testing because the reaction will occur every time and shortly after eating the allergic food. Because these reactions tend to be acute and somewhat obvious, they usually are not that impactful in chronic or degenerative illnesses.

On the other hand, food sensitivities are much more common and are involved in chronic or degenerative illnesses. Food sensitivities are delayed food allergies that manifest themselves in many different ways and can affect any organ system of the body. They can take anywhere from, say 45 minutes to 72 hours for symptoms to become apparent. This delayed onset of symptoms makes it virtually impossible to correctly identify the culprits without the proper lab tests; and thus often go misdiagnosed or undiagnosed.

Food sensitivities cause the immune system to react to foods and cause the release of chemicals called mediators. Examples of these are cytokines, histamine (think runny nose and watery eyes), and prostaglandins (Dr. Barry Sears of "The Zone Diet" fame talks about this at length) from white blood cells. It is these mediators that end up causing inflammation, pain, and a whole host of symptoms that come with food sensitivities. These unrelenting stresses on the immune system result in impaired adrenal glands and a weakened mucosal membrane barrier. Now, the thing that makes food sensitivities complicated is that there are numerous ways our immune system can respond. Because there are different ways it responds, there are different ways researchers have tried to identify reactive foods, food additives, and chemicals.

In my opinion, the most reliable ones to date are the Signet MRT test and the ELISA test. There is additional information about both on my web site, as well as in a Google search. Explaining each test is beyond the scope of this article.

Food intolerances can be similar to food sensitivities except they do not involve the immune system. Instead, the questionable food is not properly digested and then begins to ferment inside the gut. The most common example of food intolerance is lactose intolerance.

Eating the same foods day in and day out *can* lead to food sensitivities. I personally did this with red meat last year and as such I now rotate my meats from pork to lamb, buffalo, dark meat turkey, and then red meat. If you have developed food sensitivities from eating too much of the same foods then it would be advisable to go without them for at least 30 days and then reintroduce them slowly and observe the results. For additional information on what to look for when observing these results please refer to "The Pulse Test" document of the Metabolic Typing® diet documents package that can be found here:

In my practice I find that many people are sensitive to eggs; and I am one of them. Therefore, I only have them a few times a year.

I know there is a lot of information that might be relatively new to you in this "article" so please take your time in reading it, do some additional independent research with the thoughts that spur from my reply, and then email me through my web site or post on my Metabolic Typing® forum with your questions.

Be well,


Friday, September 11, 2009

The Truth About Protein Synthesis When We Work Out


My inquiry is, in Science and Practice to Strength Training by Zatsiorsky, he references a chart on the decline of protein synthesis (during workout)due to the priority the body has placed on the function of the muscles during various tasks in the weightroom. And then shows as time has moved on from the workout being over, protein synthesis dramatically picks up. So is it safe to say after reading this book that it is not optimal to take aminos and carbs during the workout since the use of such nutrients and process of repair takes place with time after such muscles are done being worked through strength training, jumping, running, sport, etc. And just use the post workout time as your replenishing and recovery time? Thanks

(I believe the graph above is the one that Michael is referring to)

Hello Michael.

To answer your question: YES! YES! A THOUSAND TIMES, YES!!! I have been trying to convey this point for years! When we are doing heavy resistance exercise the majority of the energy supply for protein synthesis DECREASES and almost all available energy is shuttled to the actual work being done. This is why it is so incredibly important to eat anabolically BEFORE training!!!

Furthermore, as Zatsiorsky does not mention; when we train we are radically stimulating the sympathetic side of the nervous system. Guess what happens when the sympathetic side is put into overdrive? Digestion slows down and the energies are diverted to the task at hand. Once we finish training, then the parasympathetic side begins to creep back in the form of rest and repair; and pupils contract, heart rate decreases (this is another reason why I do many of the recovery modalities that I do-but that is for another day), the liver begins to once again store glucose, and digestion comes back online.

So, the time to square yourself away with anabolic foods is BEFORE a workout, and then AFTER a workout. If you put together proper nutrition before training, then all that is really needed during training is a drink (water, Celtra sea salt, di-potassium phosphate) that will replenish electrolytes that are depleted through sweating (which I have mentioned several times now here). Now, this obviously takes a great deal of trial and error; but over time, if you experiment with eating anabolic foods you will come to realize exactly what I am talking about. If you become hungry during training then of course eat or drink something (anabolic foods work best); but understand that your anabolic meal was not adequate and that you need to either change some things next time or just eat more.

I think that in the interest of just selling product that many companies have come up with pre, during, post, etc. workout drinks while perhaps assuming that you-the consumer-would just buy into it; and many people have. However, if folks just dig a bit deeper as to how the body works then they will become more enlightened and use that knowledge to better themselves as athletes.

Excellent research, Michael!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Gene Research and Nutrition

This past week, I was talking with my massage therapist Liz and we were discussing gene research and gene expression; and how they relate to one’s overall outlook on health. I imagine this is a topic that we will begin to hear more and more about in the future. I would like to go on the record and say that the scientific research in this field will not disprove but rather will validate the principles of Metabolic Typing® that Bill Wolcott and HealthExcel have been touting for the last 30 years. From a reactive standpoint, gene research will probably be able to (it better!) identify what foods are adverse for one’s metabolism and which ones are okay. However, there are many things that we Metabolic Typing® advisors believe genetic research won’t be able to do that Metabolic Typing® can:

* ID the Dominant energy-producing system (Dominance Factor) in one’s metabolism relative to effects of foods and nutrients (Autonomic or Oxidative)
* Determine – and explain -- how foods and nutrients will behave in the body – stimulating or inhibiting
* Determine – and explain -- how foods and nutrients will behave in the body – acidifying or alkalizing
* Indicate the proper kinds of proteins for the MT
* Indicate the proper kinds of fats for the MT
* Indicate the proper kinds of carbohydrates for the MT
* Indicate the proper macro nutrient ratios for each meal and snack (based upon MT, extent of MT imbalance, and circadian rhythm requirements)
* Distinguish between Genetic Type vs. Functional Type requirements for foods
* Distinguish between Genetic Type vs. Functional Type requirements for nutrients
* Recommend which nutrients are needed to address Fundamental Homeostatic Control (FHC) Functional Type Imbalances
* Recommend which forms (acid vs. alkaline) of nutrients are needed to address FHC Functional Type Imbalances
* Recognize, evaluate and (successfully) address the FHC Imbalances in each individual:
- Autonomic
- Oxidative
- Prostaglandin Balance
- Constitutional Type
- Catabolic(Aerobic)/Anabolic(Anaerobic) Balance
- Endocrine Type
- Electrolyte Stress/Insufficiency
- 6 Acid/Alkaline Imbalances
- Blood Type
- Steroidal Hormone Balance
- Neurotransmitter Balance
* Recognize, evaluate and (successfully) address the Blocking Factors/Stressors
* Recognize, evaluate and (successfully) address the significance of Heavy Metals in metabolism
* Recognize, evaluate and (successfully) address the need for optimal Digestion, Hydration, Elimination and Detoxification
* Recognize, evaluate and (successfully) address the fact that the body is structured via a hierarchical organization where:
- Nutrients behave differently on different levels
- Any nutrient can have opposite effects (in different Metabolic Types)
- Any disease can arise from opposite biochemical imbalances (in different Metabolic Types)
- Nutrient levels necessarily need to be understood in terms of being a:

1. Quantitative Excess

2. Qualitative Insufficiency

3. Qualitative Excessive Utilization

4. Quantitative Deficiency

5. Problem vs. Defense (against a problem)

We in the Metabolic Typing® community believe that Metabolic Typing® will always be able to take anyone from wherever they are on the disease-health spectrum and systematically and certifiably optimize genetic potential and develop vibrant health. Gene research may be able to play a supporting role in developing vibrant health, but I will go on record and say that alone it will not be able to do what Metabolic Typing® can do. ;) Let’s see if this proves to be true…

Friday, August 28, 2009

What About A Vegan Diet?

Eric, I asked a question last week about the female friend switching to a vegan diet. Her reason for switching to a vegan diet is basically philosophical. Animal rights, etc. Her goals are non-performance based: weight loss, improved body comp, general health and fitness, etc. She took an online version of the questionnaire which calculated that her diet should be 21% from protein, fat, nuts/seeds, 38% from Type 1 veggies (the green leafy kind), and 41% from Type 2 veggies, fruit and grains. It was a free questionnaire, so it didn't get into any more detail than this.

Thanks for your feedback on this!


First of all, let’s define what a vegan is. It is a specific subset of vegetarians who, for whatever reason, have chosen to exclude ALL animal products. In your friend’s case, it is philosophical with animal rights, etc.

Once we remove emotion and look at the facts, to me this is not a very good idea. There is absolutely no basis in science to support this radical position. If a person chooses to be a vegan for philosophical reasons, then that is their choice. However, even though this may be considered noble; it still will not prevent them for suffering the consequences of choosing to avoid all animal protein.

One of the most common problems of a vegan diet can be permanent neurological complications-like blindness-from a vitamin B12 deficiency. One could take supplements for the deficiency; but this is not as good as acquiring it from meat (food). Staying away from meat is not a good idea for about two-thirds of you reading this, again governed by your Metabolic Type®. Also, vitamin B12 isn't absorbed very well from plant sources; which are why many vegans develop deficiencies. If one is a vegan, I would say that B12 supplementation is certainly something to look into.

There are some people who are designed to be vegetarians, but even carbohydrate types require some animal protein. This could be something as simple as fish, eggs or dairy.

With additional reading and research, I now believe that Vitamin D, zinc, iron, and calcium deficiencies -- and probably others that haven't yet been identified -- can and do occur in strict vegans. I would of course want to see the results of a hair/tissue/mineral analysis first, but this seems to be a common trend.

I also believe vegan diets to be potentially deficient for teenagers who burn a lot of calories each day (or at least they used to); and whose growing bones and bodies still require a full spectrum of nutrients. This may be true for adults, as well, if they follow a vegan diet strictly for a year or two or more.

The ovo-lacto vegetarian diet (plants and eggs and dairy) is an excellent choice for those who wish to avoid eating animal flesh.

If they aren't comfort-food related and generated for psychological or stress-based reasons, food cravings often suggest your diet isn't working for you. Listen to your body. How many times have I now said this? It knows what it is talking about. Cravings for junk food are an absolute sure sign that you are not getting the right fuel to feed your body.

Now, I am not suggesting that you go and rob the nearest Ben & Jerry’s vendor when you suddenly crave ice cream. Instead, entertain the possibility that your body needs some animal fat to help utilize fat-soluble vitamins and other factors not present in strict vegan diets.

The search for health comes from balance and being open to all kinds of information that will help you learn to pay attention and read the signs coming from your body. In using Metabolic Typing® as well as the Signet MRT ® test, I can say that I never really experience food cravings any more.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Can Metabolic Typing® Really Do All That?

Can Metabolic Typing® Really Do All That?

Over the past several months, I have had interaction with my chiropractor, dermatologist, and of course my massage therapist Liz. When I went to Susan (the chiro) I was experiencing a lot of numbness in the left side of my upper body that stemmed from squatting in a suit. The first step she did was order a series of x-rays to see what might be going on structurally. Come to find out my thoracic area was tracking left. So, she put a plan in place and now several months later I am holding my adjustment and things are back where they should be. Susan sees x-rays of the spine numerous times a day, most of the days of her life. However, it is interesting to note that she commented to me that with the exception of the slight thoracic curve that my spine is one of the healthiest she has ever seen in terms of no spurs, disc spacing, etc. Now, keep in mind that I have been beating my body up for most of my adolescent and adult life with athletics, the military and intense powerlifting. In her professional opinion, this is the result of my Metabolic Typing® lifestyle.

When I went in for my annual check-up to the dermatologist, he was really amazed at how my skin continues to be so soft, supple, etc. Now guys-I know what you are thinking. Put your egos down for a minute and look at what is actually happening. My cellular turnover must be so efficient and so “focused” that my skin-at age 35-continues to regenerate and rebuild like someone that is much, much younger. In fact, he told me that if he had no idea he would guess my “skin age” to be about half of that of my actual age. Furthermore, he is amazed that the scars that he has come to know as unique to me are fading every time that I see him. Of course, we have discussed my Metabolic Typing® lifestyle, and now that he understands it he is convinced that is the reason.

Finally there is Liz. I have been receiving massages and body work from her for almost 3 years now. She has seen me through all sorts of training (high/low volume, high/low intensity, and everything in-between) and several injuries; but the one thing that she continues to comment on is my ability to recover. It seems to happen at an amazing rate; and certainly much faster than she is accustomed to seeing in her practice. Liz is a very holistic person, and she and I discuss Metabolic Typing® all the time. Just like the others, she is convinced that my Metabolic Typing® lifestyle is what allows me to recover at such an accelerated rate.

So, can Metabolic Typing® really do all of that? I am living proof that it can. It is amazing to see the human body in action when it is given the right fuel. I will say without hesitation that I totally believe the human body’s capacity for vibrant health is limitless. It very well may not be the only way, but unquestionably Metabolic Typing® is one of the ways; as me and my clients can certainly attest to 

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

More Testosterone DOES NOT Automatically Equal More Muscle and Strength

How often have we heard that the higher a man's (or woman's, for that matter) testosterone level, the stronger and more muscular he will be?

Well, I am here to tell you that this is not the case. How do I know? From the BioHealth 205 adrenal profiles (which test one's levels at the cellular level-where all metabolic activity originates-and not the blood level, like a blood draw would) that I have run on me and my clients. Believe me; I was very surprised to see that one's hormone levels do not guarantee additional strength and lean muscle mass.

In April of 2008 I posted a 1390 raw total at a body weight of 170 pounds in the sport of powerlifting. It is the highest one I have done to date, and it was done while I was in Stage 1 adrenal fatigue. My testosterone level was actually on the high range of "normal", and my estradiol and estriol levels were low. As I noted previously, my Cortisol pattern showed me to be in Stage 1 adrenal fatigue; but for a strength athlete that is not too bad-all hard training considered.

Fast forward to June 2009. I had my adrenals re-checked and the BioHealth 205 results showed that not only was I no longer in Stage 1 adrenal fatigue; but my hormone levels were very high. My testosterone and progesterone were so high that the lab had to check twice for accuracy. It is interesting to note that during this time when I was supplementing for my adrenal fatigue and removing blocking factors and toxic load that I did not hit a personal record on any of my individual lifts or total, and I did not gain any lean muscle mass.

I have observed the exact same thing in several clients now, and that has lead me to conclude that although having a favorable hormone profile is of course always in our best interest; it does not automatically mean that we will get stronger or gain lean muscle. There is obviously so much more that goes into both of these things, such as training, discipline, believing in yourself, recovering from training, etc.

I will say that more than a few clients who improved their adrenal profiles did in fact add lean muscle and did gain strength. However, my point of this post is to tell you that just because you already have high testosterone levels or have improved your hormonal profile that you are going to get bigger and stronger in the gym.

You still have to get in there regularly, figure out what works for you, stay consistent, remain determined, and bust your ass.

Friday, July 17, 2009

How Metabolic Typing® Can Change Your Life!

The following email was sent to me by a client that was suffering from depression. Especially in this day and age, depression in our society seem to be growing bigger and bigger across all ages and races. Of course there are many reasons for this, but I believe that if we would simply slow down and pay more attention to the foods that we feed out bodies that the odds of becoming depressed would radically decrease. I have said it once and I will say it a thousand times more: for the dieting coin there are two sides-the HealthExcel Advanced Metabolic Typing® test and the Signet MRT® food sensitivity test. These two tests are absolutely the best investments a person will ever make. Just read on for what they did for Jeff Sivell.

Hello Eric.

This is my first time contacting you, and it is simply a very long thank-you for bringing Metabolic Typing® to my attention. Please forgive its length. I’m just very excited to share my story with you.

I'm almost 22 now, and all my life I've struggled with depression, anxiety and mood swings. These had severely limited my progress in life. I was apathetic about missing work, I dropped out of college so I didn't have to face the daily stresses, and I could rarely manage to bring myself to interact to people in normal situations due to anxiety (i.e.; facing cashiers at stores. I would avoid going in until another day, or send my girlfriend instead). My case was particularly bad and I couldn't understand why. I had actually begun to think it was just "in my nature”. After all, none of the pills my doctor had prescribed had any effect. On top of this constant problem I had also had a worsening of my asthma symptoms starting about 2 years ago. I was now using a fast acting inhaler 6-12x a day everyday! The nurse that talked to me after I had a particularly bad attack and went to the ER told me that I should only have to use it 3x a week and if I wasn’t then my “control” medications weren’t working properly. I wasn’t even using a “control” medication. So this led me to the doctor’s office to get one. I was prescribed 4 different medications in succession, as the first 3 didn’t work on me. This fourth medication got me down to using my fast acting inhaler about 4-5 times a day. This was a huge deal to me! I thought this was my miracle medication, although the idea of taking it every day for the rest of my life wasn’t something I was looking forward to. This was until I forgot to pick up my prescription and realized after 2 days my symptoms weren’t any worse…I decided to wait a while before going back on my meds….to my surprise my symptoms started to improve! And that’s when it hit me. It wasn’t the medications.

You see, after discovering strength training about 3 years ago, it was my goal to become as strong as possible, and I had even wanted to become competitive lifter. I made progress, and passed most all my friends in strength development, but I noticed I took longer to recover and my performance was very inconsistent. This made me feel like something was wrong with me. I had even considered and talked to my doctor about using steroids and we made a plan for me to go ahead with them (although procuring them would be my job. No prescriptions.) Soon after this meeting, I read a post to you in the Q&A of a sports web site about someone having low testosterone levels where you suggested he look into the Metabolic Typing® diet rather than opt for therapeutic testosterone. I decided I’d give it a go, and bought William Wolcott’s book. I simply took the test inside and never looked at another page. I started to implement a crude version of Metabolic Typing®. This basically consisted of eating any meat and any fats, as I was a protein type. This was the exact same time period that I started to take the miraculous asthma medication…

I now have taken an online version (the Advanced Metabolic Typing® test which can be found here: of the test, read whatever I can about Metabolic Typing®, and implement whatever new ideas I come across while experimenting frequently with food combinations (although I seem to be doing very well right now on about 250g of ground veal or lamb and a handful of walnuts). In the short span of about 3 months my lifts have gone up, my consistency of my performance is far beyond anything I could have imagined before, I’ve leaned out a bit (from 280 to 250), I have not had any serious bouts of depression, I’ve become more outgoing and sociable, rarely experience anxiety, and I use my asthma inhaler maybe one or twice a day when I exercise (no “controller medication needed!)…And most important of all is my quality of life in general... I feel exactly how Wolcott defined health in the book when he wrote about being in a “state of dynamic well-being”!

My family and friends have all noticed a profound difference in my behaviors and attitude and I’m even now looking into applying at local institute of holistic nutrition.

This has entirely rerouted my life, and I owe it directly to you for bringing this system to my attention. To be honest with you, had you not been a respectable lifter I wouldn’t have paid any attention to your touting the benefits of Metabolic Typing®.

I look forward to reading more from you online, and furthering my own knowledge of Metabolic Typing® and alternative health in general. And I’d like to say one last time; I owe this newfound love for life to you!

Thanks again!
Jeff Sivell

Metabolic Typing® absolutely builds vibrant health, as Jeff Sivell can attest to. What is holding you up? Building health vibrant health is just a few clicks away at . See you next week!

Friday, July 10, 2009

My Personal Journey on Building and Maintaining Optimal Health

Hello everyone. I started this blog last fall, and now I am going to make it a priority to update it every week. Please subscribe to it, because there will be some really cool information that I will pass along about building vibrant, optimal health.

I want to chronicle the past year regarding my own personal journey with building health. Back in early April 2008 I enrolled in the FDN Nutrition course which is when I first took the BioHealth 205 Adrenal Stress Profile and the 101 Metabolic Profile which I am now certified to dispense and offer on my web site. I discovered that although my digestion and kidneys were working really well my adrenal glands were in Stage 1 fatigue; not the worst case scenario but certainly room for improvement. Of course many things can contribute to adrenal fatigue; some of which I can improve and some of which I was not willing to change just yet (Sheiko training for one). So, in an effort to improve my adrenals I began supplementing with DHEA and Pregnenolone which are both legal and can be bought over the counter without a prescription. I also began to meditate (Meditation for Dummies) and started working with someone who practices homeopathy. I then took the BioHealth 304 Mucosal Membrane Barrier test and received more specific information that I had a dysbiosis (Google it) going on in my body as well as a bit of a leaky gut; which is a generic way of saying that I was eating too many foods that I am either allergic or sensitive to. So I then took the LEAP MRT Food Sensitivities Test and the ELISA finger stick IgG allergy test (both of which I am now authorized to dispense and offer on my web site) and found out which foods that I have a sensitivity and a bit of an allergy to and eliminated them which in turn has improved the integrity of my mucosal membrane barrier (Google it to know more) which has positively affected my adrenal glands. HOWEVER, I was not done yet because I needed to still address the dysbiosis in my stomach that the 304 had originally identified. In August, 2008, I took the BioHealth 401 stool culture for pathogens and found out that I had bad bacteria (proteus) that is abundant in my body. It is impossible to tell when I might have acquired this bad bacteria but my guess is that it happened when I was in the military many years ago. However, it is just a guess and really quite irrelevant. Obviously, due to the fact that the good bacteria are constantly fighting the bad bacteria to keep it at bay is a constant ping (a drain) on my adrenal glands and who knows how long the good guys can keep on dominating and winning? My first option is to come in with an A-Bomb in the form of an antibiotic and completely eradicate not only the bad bacteria in my body but the good bacteria as well. This option would require a lot of recolonizing the gut with good bacteria in the form of probiotics and so forth and is-at least for me-a last resort. So, as an alternative I decided to supplement with a natural anti-microbial that is composed of ingredients that are found and processed straight out of the Amazon rain forest. The company is called Raintree Nutrition and my FDN instructor Reed Davis has seen very good results with their anti-microbial product for combating dysbiosis. However, my strain (proteus) is one he has not dealt with in a long time and in addition my report came back as saying that it is “abundant”. Therefore, I wanted to see what I could do in the form of supplementation and by cultivating my body to listen to my mind and rid itself of the bad bacteria.

Fast forward to today. About a month ago I had my adrenal glands re-tested, and not only have they repaired themselves I am now also completely out of adrenal fatigue. My adrenal glands are not vibrantly robust, but they are holding their own right now and not giving an inch. They are equal to every challenge and stressor that my body is challenged with, and since I train hard and heavy as a competitive powerlifter I would have to say that this is pretty damn good. My testosterone levels were so high, that the lab had to check them twice to make sure their readings were accurate! Because of my higher hormone levels, I have now decreased the amount of legal, over the counter hormone supplementation and have continued to take my Ultra Life, Inc. adrenal support supplements so that I can continue to hold the line against the stressors that I encounter in my life.
Finally, I will be retesting my gut in a month or two to see if the plan I discussed above has been able to dent or even eradicate the bad bacteria that have been hanging out in my body. Stay tuned!

My training log can be found at **AND**

My continued work on nutrition and Metabolic Typing® can now be found at my own Metabolic Typing® forum which can be found here:

If you have just purchased a Metabolic Typing® package or if you have ordered my St. Louis Seminar DVD package, please know that I will get back to you with your appropriate information usually within 24 hours; and in many cases much sooner.

I receive many emails and since I am constantly working on the planning and organization of the 2010 Raw Unity meet it is difficult to answer all of them. Check out my web site at to see if your question can be answered there first.

Finally, if you have a Sheiko training question or any training question please resend that question to my coach Dave Bates at and he will address it for you. We encourage you to check out my coach Dave's new Sheiko forum at

I will respond to Metabolic Typing® client questions and concerns in a timely manner.

Eric Talmant
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